Monday, January 30, 2012

Dancin' and Hobblin'

I'm not the "dancer"....I'm the "hobbler".  I was on my foot WAYYYYYY to much Saturday and it got worse. So Sunday I stayed in bed basically all day. I missed church which I do not like to do. It just makes the day feel different. But I knew I needed to stay off of it. Today I'm back at work....hobbling around and resting it WHEN  I can! 

Darb is our Dancer. She was chosen by her dance instructor to do a performance at a Kansas Expo for Kansas Day. It was quite impressive if Momma must say so herself! Here's just a few pics for me to have documented!

She did her dance to Michael Buble's "Feeling Good"

 Darb and her dance teacher....she's darling!

One more tidbit! My #1 daughter is back to check out her cute pregnancy pics! Her little doll baby is coming soon!!!!!!!!   Click here.


Happy@Home said...

When I read your title I had to hobble over here and find out who was hobbling at your house. So sorry to hear about your ankle. That sounds very painful. Keep propping and icing and hopefully you will be back to normal soon.
I can relate because I had a minor foot surgery recently and have been propping, icing and wearing a surgical shoe for over a week. My hubby has been calling me peg leg because the shoe has a wooden base. Funny :).
It must be so fun to watch your daughter dance. The pictures are beautiful.
Take care.

Patty Sumner said...

So sorry to hear about your foot. I hope your day goes well and not to much pain. Your dancer looks as if she has both the moves and the beauty. I am sure she will see many more wonderful opportunities. Blessings!

A Gardner's Cottage said...

OH Tanya!

So sorry to hear about your foot. Praying you feel better soon!

Now, with that puffed up Momma's heart. I'd say that is the best medicine a momma could have. Darby looks beautiful! Way to go!!!

I miss blogging hope to get back to it soon.


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Hope you are better soon...I know all about hobbling...I am finally OK but it was not quick......Darby is gorgeous...