Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Night Blues

I get the Sunday night "Blues" often! Not in the summer time when I'm out of school....just when I have to get up and go to work the next day! I'm always so happy to get Monday over. Just getting back in the routine is hard but once Monday is over I'm good to go. Sundays are good to serve God, worship him, partake of the Lord's Supper, and strengthen your faith. I love that part. But when nightfall rolls around, I'm just not as perky! Sometimes I think if I didn't work I'd like to wake up on Monday morning here....

I would go down to the lake with my puppies and take a cup of coffee with my Pumpkin Spice creamer and sit. Then I'd head back up to the house and do laundry, dishes, and then I'd go back down to the lake with my lawn chair and read a book or look at magazines. Then I'd go fix lunch and then head back down to the lake and....

Oh good grief...I've got to go get ready for bed, set my alarm for 6:00 a.m. and go back to work tomorrow.


Farming On Faith said...

You have a great week. I am praying for you!

Janean said...

sounds like you've found a way to make your sunday nights DIVINE! *wink*