Saturday, January 18, 2014

My Littles!

I just had to pop in to say "Hey" and that I hope your January is ticking right along and that your "Resolutions" (if you have any!) are still in high gear! 

Blessings for a wonderful Lord's Day tomorrow! May your relationship with our God and our Savior Jesus Christ grow closer every day! 

Here are my little blessings who make me smile !

Barrett, Lily-Jo and Tripp


Justabeachkat said...

Your littles are adorable!


Farming On Faith said...

Oh my stars~ they are all so big. Lily-Jo is looking like a little girl.

My stars how the time slips away from us. Hope you are enjoying your snow day. I think we have a foot of snow. The drifts make it hard to tell.

I so enjoyed seeing your babies!

Simple Home said...

Such sweet little ones! I'm sure that your life is busy, but just wanted to pop in and say that I hope you're doing well. Say hello to your Sil for me :)