Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blessings of an Early Christmas Present

Today my family honestly saw and felt a miracle of God.  My mom who has been in the hospital for 11 days, gone through 2 Broncoscopies and was not communicating, eating, drinking, or talking ---- had a huge turnaround.  We walked into her room this a.m. and she had taken a shower and was sitting up watching TV and spoke to us like the Mom and Grandma we knew.  We were dumbfounded! When we left the hospital last night, she was scheduled for a feeding tube to be put in early this morning. They took her to the surgery room and found out her blood would not clot and cancelled it. They brought her back up to her room and she began to talk, perk up, and wanted a shower. When we got there, we had such anxiety and were dreading the possible doom ahead of us.  We expected to see her recovering from the feeding tube procedure.  Instead we saw a miracle! A miracle from God. She was bright eyed and so happy to see us.  She was a little unsure why we were crying and emotional.  She had no idea she had been sick for all those days. The doctors and nurses who have been tending her for days were as surprised as we were.  They immediately scheduled her for a swallow study and found out she can try pureed foods with constant supervision and monitoring of her swallowing to hopefully avoid aspirating anything else into her lungs. She was able to eat over half of her supper.  She has not had food or liquids for days. 
We have spent today praising God and giving many thanks for all the prayers given on her behalf.  Tonight my family rejoices.  Tonight we will rest better.  We have been told that more than likely the Pneumonia can return. Her Alzheimers will progress. The doctors have been very frank and honest with us. We have had to make decisions that are not easy. 
But we are reassured that:

*God hears prayers
*God answers prayers
*God's will WILL be done
*God will not give you more than you can bear
*God's plan is always the best
*Faith will give you strength
*Never give up on hope
*God is always there and you are never alone

While we waited in the waiting room one day, a man and woman approached my husband and gave him a bag and simply said, "We just want you to know we care."  It contained water, snacks, and best of all some wonderful pamphlets with wonderful scriptures that came just when we needed them. They were from a church that my Great Aunt had gone to before she passed away. We were blessed by them and so grateful. 

Thank you from my heart for all the prayers and thoughts.  My mom is on the receiving end of many wonderful gifts of prayers. 

Tonight this song is on my mind....

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
words and music by Ira Stanphill

        I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day. I don't borrow from it's sunshine, For it's skies may turn to gray. I don't worry o'er the future, For I know what Jesus said, And today I'll walk beside Him, For He knows what is ahead.
            Refrain Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand; But I know Who holds tomorrow, And I know Who holds my hand.
        Ev'ry step is getting brighter, As the golden stairs I climb; Ev'ry burden's getting lighter; Ev'ry cloud is silver lined. There the sun is always shining, There no tear will dim the eyes, At the ending of the rainbow, Where the mountains touch the sky.
            Refrain Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand; But I know Who holds tomorrow, And I know Who holds my hand.
        I don't know about tomorrow, It may bring me poverty; But the One Who feeds the sparrow, Is the One Who stands by me. And the path that be my portion, May be through the flame or flood, But His presence goes before me, And I'm covered with His blood.
            Refrain Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand; But I know Who holds tomorrow, And I know Who holds my hand.  


sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

Wow, that is amazing! Truly a Christmas miracle. I am so happy for you and your family! Just wanted to thank you also for all of your sweet comments on my are so kind and truly brighten my day. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow that is FABULOUS!! Thanks for sharing that is wonderful news. So happy for your family what a blessing that is indeed! ~I will continue to pray for her and her recovery. And yes God hears our prayers indeed!! ~Merry Christmas Love Heather

Happy@Home said...

Wonderful news!! I am so glad to hear that your mom is doing so much better after all that she has been through. It does indeed sound like a miracle. I hope that you and your family can now breathe a bit easier and will enjoy a peaceful Christmas. My thoughts are with you.

Dee said...

What a blessed Christmas this is for you and your family. The Lord is full of Mercy and Grace. Merry Christmas and may your blessings continue into the New year. Dee