Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Praise God and a Thankful Heart to all of you!

My heart is so joyful and somehow the burden of heartache and worry is somewhat lifted! We are home from the hospital and my mom has made a tremendous turnaround. We are so grateful and giving thanks to God for his healing. He heard YOUR prayers and I am overwhelmed with THANKSGIVING for all your prayers and thoughts and words of love and encouragement. I am touched beyond words.  My girls are just amazed at what wonderful "blog" friends I have. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
When we got to the hospital this morning, Mom was sleeping and I whispered "Hi Mom" and she woke up and said, "Well Hello there!" BLESSING Haley and I looked at each other and were amazed. All tubes in the nose were gone! BLESSING She was totally breathing on her own with no oxygen aid! BLESSING The pneumonia is still there, the coughing is still there, the weakness, the dreadful Alzheimer disease, the inability to swallow correctly....BUT my mom looked 110% better to us! She had color, she talked to us, she joked a little, she ate ice chips. BLESSING We were so pleased. The lung doctor came in and said, "There's my MVP patient!...She gets the Most Improved Patient on the floor award!" He said it was good they avoided having to put her on the ventilator. BLESSING They were getting ready to move her later tonight to a room where she would be monitored closely right across from the nurses station. We ran into a friend from church who is a floor charge nurse that my mom was moving to and she didn't like the room location where my mom was to be so she got it changed so she would be right across from the nurse's station. BLESSING We will continue to pray and thank God for his control and love in this situation. I told Rodney Sunday that I'm just going to walk through this pain and worry head on with God leading me. I have to face it all and he'll get me through it.

Faith IS the Substance of Things Hoped For and the Evidence of Things NOT Seen.  Hebrews 11:1

She is not released yet but sooooooo much better and we are so thankful. 

There were so many families in the waiting room experiencing the same feelings we had the days before. Those scary unknown feelings of how their loved one was doing and what lies ahead. I felt so bad for them seeing their pain and their tears.  They will be in my prayers as I understand a little as to what they were feeling. 
Compassion... sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it 
I felt it for them and I believe that is what you must have felt for me. Thank you!
The power of prayer is an amazing gift!!

1 Thessalonians 5:17

 Pray without ceasing


A Gardner's Cottage said...


Linda Stubbs said...

Praise God!!!!!! I am so happy for you Tanya! Please keep us posted on how she is doing. I remember when my momma has been sick. So sad huh?

Hugs sweet friend!!!!!! Linda

Anonymous said...

Yeahhh!!! so glad to hear the good news will pray for her continued recovery ~Thanks for sharing Love Heather

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Hey Tanya,

I'm so sorry that I missed out on this with your mom because you KNOW I would have been praying....and still will!

Come over to my blog when you get a minute...there's another blessing awaiting you..... :)


Janean said...

in church last week we were talking about what faith is and i mentioned this Scripture. sooooo glad you're mom has improved greatly!!!!

Corona Mirrors said...

Lovely blog yoou have