Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Sissy Jo!

I'm a "lit el" belated but that is my trademark and at this point in my life....I embrace it! Not proud of it..I work on it....but not shocked by it!
April 4th was my oldest daughter, Lacey Jo's (affectionately and appropriately named after her Daddy, Rodney Joe) 23rd birthday. She is definitely a "Father's Daughter". They think alike, joke alike, act alike, and reason things out alike. 
We had a pre-birthday party with a cookout with most of the fam. Hopefully everyone will be home this weekend for an even better one!
Lacey is our second child and 21 months younger than her older brother. Her story was that she was due on April 5th, but on April 3rd as I flopped into bed for the night and got semi comfortable, my water decided to break. Not a gusher but enough to know it's time! So the neighbor lady came over to stay with baby brother, Z, and off we went. Made it to the hospital and got moved from the gurney to the delivery room table, hooked up to the monitor, all squared away for a delivery, and what to my wondering eyes? NO ELECTRICITY IN THE DELIVERY ROOM! So, climb back on the gurney, wheel to the next delivery room, hook up to everything again, and then be told by the doctor behind the mask (not my doctor so that gave me a little anxiety) that the cord was around the baby's neck, the baby's heart rate had dropped drastically and it was VERY IMPORTANT to push this baby out or we will have to do a C-section! So push I did! And she was just perfect and her Daddy and I had a new baby bundle of PINK! Later that night, my doctor came and he and Rodney watched the KU Jayhawks win the Final 4 Basketball Tournament together.

Z was so happy to have a baby come to our family and though she was not a little brother, he found no fault in "making" her do "BOY" type activities. "Lace, go get me a screwdriver/truck/can/pencil/rope/glove/shovel..." was a common comment from this little bossy 3 year old boy but.... off she would toddle to get it. She was and continues to be a "people pleaser!" She was forever trying to please her big brother. If he couldn't finish his milkshake, she happily obliged. (Yes, it is on tape, Lace!) When both of her younger sisters came along, she was the BEST big sister to them. She finally got the opportunity to tell someone what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. She organized many dance performances in the living room for 3 little girls, she dressed 2 little sisters often, she has changed diapers, made bottles, fixed many  lunches and tippy cups for them, gave them advice on becoming young girls, teenagers, and young women, answered many questions about being a "girl", and forever is looking out for their best interest. She lovingly had them stand with her as she became a wife and they wept as they watched their Daddy give her away to become a bride to their wonderful brother in law.
She is a beautiful, smart, honest, hard working, efficient, caring, creative, responsible and loving young woman. And in our family she is known to be dramatic, impulsive, and an embellisher (okay okay an EXAGGERATOR!) :0) I'm very proud of her and who she has become.  She is a new wife, has a wonderful job, and is getting ready to purchase her first home with her husband. She and I have a lot of fun together and enjoy many of the same interests. And now our relationship has moved from not just Momma/Daughter but to Best Friends as well.
And so .... Happy Birthday Lace....(a little belated!). The past 23 years have been a true joy and Dad and I are so thankful for you. God truly blessed us! We love you very much!

A glimpse of my baby girl! 

Our beautiful newborn...
 She wanted to be like Mommy....but nurse her Cabbage Patch!

 The easiest baby to put to sleep!


Lacey said...

I got out of bed to read this -- you are right, I am easy to put to sleep. Well, after I wipe my eyes from this lovely post, I will try to go back to bed!

You are the best Mommy! (Except when I was Joel Rupert's wet nurse.)

Love you so much!!

Anonymous said...

Oh how sweet what a beautiful daughter you have!! A Very Happy Birthday to Lacey ~Love Heather

Simple Home said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Lacey! I love the photos and this trip down memory lane. I have a photo of my daughter nursing Mickey Mouse :-)

Is your sil still blogging? I can't seem to get to her blog anymore. Give her my best :-)
Marcia said...

Aw, what a sweet girl you have there. Happy Belated Birthday to your Lacey. What a lovely story. I am so glad that everything turned out ok with her birth. Beautiful girl!