Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Prom 101

Baby Lisa (Darb...she gets bossed around as much by her family as Dog the Bounty Hunter's daughter!) was asked to go to a friend's prom at another school. He is Irish/Scottish so he wore a kilt! They looked really nice together. She chose to wear last year's dress and has a new dress for her prom here in a few weeks. I thought she looked LOV ER LY so wanted to share some pics.


Lacey said...

Loverly is RIGHT! She was so adorable and graceful!

I love that Baby Lisa!

haleybeth said...

She looked absolutely fab-u-lous! Im a failure sister for not being there! But all my hands WILL be on deck for oz prom!! Beautiful baby lisa, as always! xoxo

Farming On Faith said...

Just beautiful~

Linda Stubbs said...

What a pretty young lady......looks like her Momma.

I just had to come and say hello.......life has been so busy and I dislike that I can't come and visit when I want. So glad you got to go on your vacation. Sounds like you had so much fun Tanya.........needed for your soul I am sure.

Two more days and we are home........can't wait!

Hugs sweetie friend, Linda

Anonymous said...

Oh she looks Gorgeous!! absolutely beautiful~ How fun ...aghhh to be young again I remember those days Lol!! ~Have a Blessed Easter my friend Enjoy your Holiday ~Love Heather

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

She looks amazing....stunning

Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Easter
