Friday, February 18, 2011

A New Friend!

Sweet Miss Linda at Prairie Flower Farm hosted a Seed Swap sign up. She paired us up with someone and we will trade seeds and meet someone new. I just got my email with my new friend's name and address and I can't wait to get to know her and exchange some seeds!  So I just had to post and say:

Hello Belinda!!!! I am so looking forward to getting to know you!

Did anyone else join the Seed Swap and are you as excited as I am?


Anonymous said...

How that sounds wonderful ~Who doesn't love a new friend right!! and seed trading as well...Hope you both benefit in the garden from your new friendship with many blooms to come ~Love Heather

Happy@Home said...

What a fun swap to participate in as the spring season approaches. A new friend and new seeds to try ~ perfect!

A Gardner's Cottage said...

New friends are wonderful...especially friends like you! Take care
